Immigration Services for Expats in the USA


Immigration Services for Expats in the USA


Immigration Services for Expats in the USA

Immigration Services for Expats in the USA

This easy-to-read guide is full of useful details to help you with everything regarding immigrating to the US. You'll learn about everything from permanent residence to study and work visas when moving to the US. We know how big a move can be so we are here to make your journey smooth, from start to finish. Welcome to America!

This is what we will talk about:

  • What immigration services are available in the United States

  • The immigration services per state

  • What documents you'll need to apply for an immigration service

  • Understand the difference between a visa, green card, and citizenship status

  • Step by step guide on how to apply for an immigration service

  • Income taxes in the states

  • Your immigration to the USA

What immigration services are available in the United States

Are you, or someone close to you, looking for help with American immigration services? Our partners are ready to assist with the visa application process, and other paperwork you might need. A group of skilled workers is ready to guide you through every step. 

The immigration services per state

In the USA, all states follow the same federal immigration law. But, the way they apply it can change from one state to another. Places like California and New York make moving to the USA easier However, states like Arizona and Alabama can be tougher for lawful permanent residents because they stick closely to the federal rules. 

For instance, California has implemented laws and programs to support immigrants, such as providing access to driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants and offering assistance with legal challenges through programs like the California Immigrant Guide. New York has also been proactive in supporting immigrants, with initiatives like the Office for New Americans, which provides resources and services to help immigrants integrate into society.

On the other hand, some states may be perceived as more restrictive in their approach to immigration matters. Arizona, for example, has implemented strict immigration enforcement measures, such as the controversial SB 1070 law, which aimed to enhance immigration enforcement at the state level. Alabama has also taken a stringent stance on immigration, with laws like HB 56, which includes provisions related to employment and identification of undocumented immigrants.

This means that the process of relocating and dealing with federal tax could be hard. So, if you're thinking about moving to the USA, remember to think about the state you're moving to. Some could make your move easier than others. Also, if you are planning to live in a major city or one of the 4 major cities, it is worth considering the presence of international banks for your financial needs. 

What documents you'll need to apply for an immigration service

You'll first need a passport from your home country. You will also need to show things like your birth certificate, marriage certificate (if you have one), and your school certificates. Some services might ask for more, like proof that you have a job or money in the bank. If you're not sure, ask an immigration team via Relocately.

Understand the difference between a visa, green card, and citizenship status

You might have heard about visas, green cards, and citizenship status. These terms can sound tricky, but understanding them is key to your moving process. Let's keep it simple. A visa lets you enter another country for a while. A green card, on the other hand, allows you to live there all the time. Citizenship status is a big thing for many people moving to a new place. It gives the right to vote, get a passport, and use all the benefits the country offers. 

Step by step guide on how to apply for an immigration service

  1. Organize your documents: Gather all necessary paperwork, which includes your passport, visa, and supporting documents such as educational certificates and work history.

  2. Understand immigration categories: Assess and understand the different categories of immigration services, such as work permits, study permits, and permanent residency.

  3. Identify your needs: Determine which category of immigration service best suits your current situation and future aspirations.

  4. Complete the application: Once ready, begin filling in your application online. Be thorough, honest, and precise with every piece of information provided.

  5. Submission and waiting: After you have submitted your application, expect a period of waiting for approval. This duration can vary, but remain patient and keep your focus on the exciting opportunities that await in your new home.

Income taxes in the states

In the United States, income tax policies vary significantly from state to state. Some states, such as Florida, Texas, and Nevada, levy no state income tax at all, thereby attracting individuals and businesses seeking tax-friendly environments. On the other hand, states like California and New York are known for their relatively high state income tax rates, which can reach up to 13.3% and 8.82% respectively. It's worth noting that these higher-tax states often provide extensive public services funded by these taxes. Thus, prospective immigrants should factor in state income tax rates when considering where to establish their new residence, as this can significantly impact their overall cost of living.

Your immigration to the USA

To sum up, there is a lot of valuable information regarding immigration services in the United States publicly available. It's not impossible to understand and navigate the steps it takes to apply for an immigration service on your own, but each route can prove complex. Overall, you should always be aware of the documents needed to apply and what type of status you are trying to obtain. It’s also wise to keep track of application deadlines and take heed of possible pitfalls that could slow down or stall your progress. 

If however in doubt or need of advice, reach out to our legal professionals with extensive experience. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the often intimidating language used during the immigration process, having help from an expert can make all the difference. So prepare ahead for a smoother transition during your immigration service journey; you got this!

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Relocately enables you to manage everything related to your relocation, or that of your employees, in one, simple place. We help over 150.000 customers a year with relocating to over 140 countries. Our services range from comparing moving companies, housing / short say to immigration services and currency exchange and more! Find out here what we have to offer in your city!



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