





Moving to Qatar

Moving to Qatar

Ready for an exciting journey to Qatar? This is a guide for moving to Qatar and it is a must-read for you. Immerse yourself in a new cultural landscape in the Middle East's heart. The experience of moving to Qatar is unforgettable, packed with fascinating traditions and modern adventures. Before you leave, ensure everything is in order. Let's unravel your queries about moving to Qatar, one by one.

  • Cost of living in Qatar 

  • Public transport options and how to get around Qatar

  • What you need to know about taxes and other financial issues

  • Local customs and etiquettes

  • Healthcare in Qatar

Cost of living in Qatar

  • Accommodation: Rental prices for housing can vary based on location, size, and amenities. In major cities like Doha, expatriates often find accommodation in compounds or apartment buildings. Monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center can range from QAR 4,000 to QAR 8,000 (approximately €920 to €1,840 or $1,030 to $2,300), while outside the city center, it may be slightly lower.

  • Utilities: Basic utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for a standard apartment may cost around QAR 500 to QAR 800 (approximately €115 to €184 or $130 to $230) per month.

  • Transportation: Public transportation in Qatar is limited, and many residents rely on private vehicles. Gasoline prices are relatively low. Monthly transportation costs, including fuel, may vary but could be around QAR 500 to QAR 800 (approximately €115 to €184 or $130 to $230).

  • Food: Grocery costs can depend on individual preferences and dietary habits. On average, a moderate monthly grocery bill for one person might be around QAR 800 to QAR 1,200 (approximately €184 to €276 or $230 to $345).

  • Dining Out: Eating out at restaurants can range from affordable local eateries to more expensive international establishments. A meal at a mid-range restaurant may cost around QAR 100 to QAR 200 (approximately €23 to €46 or $29 to $58) per person.

  • Healthcare: Qatar has a well-developed healthcare system. Expatriates often have access to private healthcare facilities. Costs can vary, but health insurance is advisable and may be provided by employers.

  • Education: For expatriates with children attending international schools, tuition fees can be a significant expense. Costs vary based on the school and grade level but may range from QAR 30,000 to QAR 70,000 (approximately €6,920 to €16,100 or $8,690 to $20,340) per year.

What you need to know about taxes and other financial issues

One important aspect to consider is how to correctly file your taxes. This can involve identifying deductions and credits that are applicable to your situation and ensuring that all necessary forms are submitted on time. Additionally, it's important to stay on top of your finances throughout the year, keeping track of your expenses and income to better understand your cash flow and identify areas where you can improve. 

There are some advantages in Qatar regarding taxes, we have written down some examples for you below:

  • No Personal Income Tax: One of the most attractive aspects of Qatar's tax system is the absence of personal income tax. Residents, whether nationals or expatriates, do not have to pay income tax on their earnings. This tax-free income policy has been instrumental in attracting a diverse expatriate community to live and work in Qatar.

  • The corporate income tax is low, with a percentage of 10% from the income.

Public transport options and how to get around Qatar

Whether you're hopping on the iconic Doha Metro or taking a scenic cruise along the coastline aboard the traditional dhow boats, there are plenty of options to suit your needs. And with friendly locals eager to share their knowledge, exploring Qatar's rich culture and traditions has never been more enjoyable. So why not take a break from the taxi queues and join the locals on their daily commute? You might just discover a whole new side of this vibrant city.

Local customs and etiquettes

When moving to Qatar, you may notice that a lot of people are expats. That is because only 16% of the people living in Qatar are actually Qatari. However when moving to Qatar, it's crucial to understand the local customs and etiquette. Qatari society is deeply rooted in traditions and Islamic religious observances. For instance, modesty in dress is highly valued, so both men and women are expected to dress conservatively in public. When greeting someone, it's typical to offer a light handshake. It's also notable that during the holy month of Ramadan, eating, drinking, and even chewing gum in public during daylight hours is prohibited. By understanding and respecting these local customs, you'll be able to form stronger connections with the Qatari people and enjoy a more authentic experience.

Healthcare in Qatar

Another critical aspect to consider is healthcare. Qatar offers an impressive healthcare system with excellent medical facilities, a wide range of services, and highly trained medical staff. However, it's critical to secure comprehensive health insurance. Some employers provide insurance as part of the employment package, but if not, you'll need to arrange this yourself. In addition to covering any medical emergencies, health insurance can also provide peace of mind, making your transition to life in Qatar smoother and less stressful. In our next blog (about immigrating to Qatar) we will inform you about the healthcare options in Qatar.

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