
10 Expert Tips for Moving to Another Country

Cid Titulaer

April 2, 2024

10 Expert Tips for Moving to Another Country

Cid Titulaer

April 2, 2024

10 Expert Tips for Moving to Another Country

Cid Titulaer

April 2, 2024

In this guide, we'll walk you through 10 expert tips to streamline your international move, ensuring a smooth transition to your destination country. With these tips we want to give you the knowledge and confidence you need to turn your international move into a success.

What we’ll discuss 

  1. Research your destination extensively

  2. Implement a financial plan

  3. Visa and residence permits

  4. Master the local language

  5. Health and wellness in your new country

  6. Housing considerations for moving abroad

  7. Cultural integration

  8. Educational considerations for families

  9. Professional networking

  10. Prepare for reverse culture shock

1. Research your destination extensively

The foundation of a successful international move is built on thorough research of your new home country. Start with the basics of the local culture and customs. Dig into the country's history, landmarks, and social norms. Understand the political climate and the latest news from official government websites. Knowing which regions are popular among expats and why they love living there can help you narrow down your potential destinations.

Consider factors such as the job market, healthcare system, and educational opportunities, especially if you’re moving with a family. Spending time researching can make your arrival far less overwhelming and ensure that you integrate more smoothly.

2. Implement a financial plan

Relocating overseas involves significant financial planning. Calculate your costs well in advance, factoring in everything from shipping expenses to exchange rates. Create a budget that includes all possible costs, and be sure to account for unexpected expenses.

Set up a local bank account if possible, and understand the local banking and finance regulations. If you're still in the negotiation phase with a new employer, ensure that your salary is aligned with the cost of living in your destination. A sound financial strategy will help ease the transition and minimize any money-related stresses.

3. Visa and residence permits

Your legal right to live in your new country is important, so don't treat residency permits and visas casually. Research the visa requirements for your nationality well in advance. Some countries have strict requirements or long processing times which can delay your move significantly. Remember, these important documents are crucial for your move.

Reach out to the nearest embassy or consulate of your destination country for all the necessary documentation. Be prepared to provide all the necessary documentation, such as a clean criminal record or proof of employment.

4. Master the local language

Language can be a quite the roadblock if you're moving to a country where your language isn't widely spoken. Invest time in learning the local language before you arrive and continue improving your skills once you're there.

Language learning apps, like duolingo.com, online courses, and language exchange programs can all be great resources. Having an understanding in the local language will not only make your everyday life easier but also allow you to build deeper connections with the local community.

5. Health and wellness in your new country

Navigating a new healthcare system can be challenging, especially when you're not feeling your best. Research the healthcare options in your new country and understand how to access care. This may include:

  • Obtaining health insurance

  • Finding a local general practitioner

  • Knowing where the nearest hospital is

  • Checking your international health insurance before you move.

Take care of your mental health as well. Moving to a new country  can be stressful, and it's important to have coping mechanisms in place. Consider signing up for a gym, practicing mindfulness, or keeping in touch with loved ones back home to help maintain your well-being.

6. Housing considerations for moving abroad

You should start looking for a new home early on in the relocation process. Investigate your options, will you rent or buy? What are the typical lease terms? What neighborhoods are popular, and which ones should be avoided? 

If you can, visit your new country in person to view properties. If not, work with reputable real estate agents who can provide video tours and accurate rental information. Securing comfortable, secure housing is a major step toward feeling at home in your new country.

7. Cultural integration

Moving to a new country involves adapting to a different way of life. Don't just live in the country; try to integrate into the local culture. Participate in local events, join clubs, or volunteer in the new culture.

Understanding local customs can be a challenge, but it's important to make an effort to respect and appreciate the differences. Cultural integration will enrich your experience and help you build relationships in your new community.

8. Educational considerations for families

If you're moving with school-aged children, your to-do list becomes more complex. Research schools in your new country, and understand the local schooling system. Ensure that your children's educational needs and aspirations can be met in your chosen country.

In most countries you can choose between local or international school, If you prefer international schooling or have specific educational requirements, start the application process as early as possible. Many international schools have waitlists, and you want to secure a spot before your arrival.

9. Professional networking

Building a network in a foreign country can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to finding employment. Reach out to professional organizations or expat forums, and attend networking events. This of course only applies if you’ve moved to another country, but haven’t found a job yet, as it is most common for people to move to another country after they’ve found a job. 

Connecting with people who are already established in your industry can provide valuable insights and job opportunities. Your professional network can also help you understand the local business culture, which is often as important as the job itself.

10. Find the right moving company

Selecting the right moving company is crucial to ensuring a stress-free relocation. Begin by seeking recommendations from friends or family who have undergone a similar move. Online reviews and forums can also provide valuable insights into the reliability and efficiency of different companies. Request detailed quotes from several firms, making sure they include all potential costs to avoid unexpected charges later on. Requesting these quotes can be easily done on platforms like Relocately.com. 

Ensure the company you choose has experience with international relocations and understands the specific requirements and regulations for moving goods to your new country. This diligence will pay off in a smoother transition to your new home.

Integrating these tips into your life abroad strategy won't eliminate all the challenges of moving to another country, but they will provide a solid framework to help you minimize stress and make the most of this exciting adventure. Remember to be patient with yourself and view the process as a learning experience that contributes to your personal growth.


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